Rainbow Moonstone Worry Stone
Rubbing a worry stone is very soothing as it puts pressure on nerves within your thumb that release endorphins, your brain's natural relaxants. This repetitive motion helps lessen your worries, creates feelings of calmness & you also benefit from the healing properties of Rainbow Moonstone itself.
Moonstone opens the heart to nurturing qualities as well as assisting in the acceptance of love. Rainbow Moonstone nurtures feminine energies, feminine cycles and emotional intuition. Rainbow Moonstone protects the traveller and brings good luck. Rainbow Moonstone removes obstacles and offers guidance on ones spiritual path.
Rainbow Moonstone stimulates self expression, and releases deeply held emotional blockages. Healing Properties, Rainbow Moonstone assists feminine reproductive system functioning, aids fertility, eases PMS and can support during childbirth. Rainbow Moonstone can aid restful sleep.
Rainbow Moonstone is calming, compassionate and balancing.